Home – The Journey Begins

The Cowboy

I was told by several people I should begin a blog, so I decided, since I have the time, it may not be a bad idea. I think I would like to begin by saying a little about myself.

I live in God’s Country – Sedona, AZ. I came to Sedona several years ago because of the town’s reputation for healing. If you are not familiar with Sedona, it is located in northern Arizona at the base of the Colorado Plateau. The town is known for its beautiful red rock formations and vortexes. (We don’t call them vortices here, we call them vortexes.) The city, which was once under the Pacific Ocean in very ancient history, has a high concentration of iron in its hills, mountains and streets. There is also a high concentration of quartz crystal under the rocks and earth of the city as well as large underground aquifers. Add to this the salt residue form when the area was under water, and you have the makings of an electro-magnet.

Known as the “Metaphysical Capital of the World,” Sedona boasts a large number of crystal shops, psychics, readers, ufologists, and healers. The area has long been considered to be a mystical place, a sacred place and a place of healing among the Native American population. This is what brought me here.

Several years ago I was diagnosed with COPD. Although I tried traditional treatment programs, I also inquired about holistic and natural remedies. It was then that my physician recommended a major change. I had always believed in alternative and holistic medicine and it was then that I relocated to Sedona. Since I have been here my oxygen levels have gone form 83% to 93%, a major change in itself. I have started eating properly again, I have begun exercising again, including hiking the beautiful red rocks and canyons as well as working out at a gym, I have lost 60 pounds and at my last visit to the doctor, I learned my blood sugar and cholesterol levels are now excellent.

Along with this I have also learned to meditate and began a spiritual journey. Although I was raised in the traditional Western Judeo-Christian faith, I also felt as if there was something more. I always felt a connection to the earth and to my Native ancestry, although I was never quite sure why. Since I have been in Sedona, I have begun to explore this side of me.

Another thing has happened to me since I have been living in Sedona. The beauty of the area has rekindled my interest in photography and I feel my photographic talents have developed tremendously. Most of the photography you will see here will be my own. I hope you enjoy it.

I invite you, then, to travel my journey with me as I learn to heal, explore my spirituality and discuss any number of topics from politics, to religion to TV shows and give my opinions. While I have ideas for some of the topics I would like to write about, this blog will always be in development. Those of us who live in the Free World are fortunate we can express our ideas and opinions without fear of retribution and therefore I welcome all contributions. I just ask that contributors refrain from using profanity in their posts and do not criticize or berate other bloggers.

Thank you for visiting and I hope you will come back soon.

The Cowboy from Sedona